1. The Problem with the Way Scientists Study Reason by Sacha Altay for Nautilus. To fairly analyze human reasoning, we need to look at experiments from an ecological perspective.
  2. Physicists Discover Exotic Patterns of Synchronization by Natlie Wolchover for Nautilus. Brilliant article on the patterns of synchronization.
  3. How Selective Empathy Can Chip Away At Civil Society by Hanna Rosin. Empathy is going down and tribal. As the world is becoming increasingly conntected, this doesn’t seem like a huge surprise.
  4. Notes on AI Bias by Ben Evans. Real-world imbalances translate into AI models. Evans analyses the problem.
  5. Why Are Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise? by Tessa Love for Elemental. The increase in autoifmmune diseases is linked to changes to how we live and increased stress. While the author points out better diagnosis as a factor, the point doesn’t seem prominent enough.
  6. The Unconstrained Vision of David Deutsch by Clovis Roussy for Quillette. “Optimism, for Deutsch, amounts to a deep philosophical principle. Either something is impossible, or it is achievable with knowledge. Another way to put it is this: All evils are due to insufficient knowledge.”
  7. How Disney Conquered the Animation Industry with these 12 Principles by Vamsi Batchu for UX Collective. The rules and guidelines that shaped Disney’s impressive animations.
  8. Driving? The Kids Are So Over It by Adrienne Roberts for The Wall Street Journal. In the US, the proportion of 16-year-old with a license has halved.
  9. Giant Planets and Big Data: What Deep Learning Reveals About Saturn’s Storms for Science Daily. The PlanetNet algorithm identifies and maps the components and features in turbulent regions of Saturn’s atmosphere.
  10. The World Population Pyramid (1950-2100) by Jeff Desjardins for Visual Capitalist. Based on a medium fertility rate scenario, annual population growth could drop to 0.1% by the end of the 21st century.