- Association of Wearable Device-measured Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity with Mortality As few as two or three short bouts or approximately 3–4 min of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity per day were associated with substantially lower all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality risk. n = 25,241 (!) non-exercisers
- What’s Up With These New Weight Loss Drugs? by Eric Trexler at Mass Research Review. Great overview of the current state of weight loss drugs and the impact they may have. Apart from some side-effects, the biggest issue seems to be A) the price and B) that people regain roughly two-thirds of the weight after stopping their treatment.
- The Huberman-ization of America by Rex Woodbury. The health space is becoming more consumerized and the consumer space gets a health-stamp. We care a lot more about our bodies and brains — and we’re willing to spend a lot more to make sure they’re in good shape.
- Nudge Psychology – All 93 Behavior Change Techniques by Dr Paul Marsden at Digital Wellbeing. Behaviour Change has an overwhelming amount of research — valid, given how hard it is to actually change behaviours. This list gives a good overview over the 93 techniques with scientific backing.
- Brains Are Not Required When It Comes to Thinking and Solving Problems—Simple Cells Can Do It by Rowan Jacobsen at Scientific American. “It’s clear that the body matters, and then somehow you add neural cognition on top. It’s the cherry on the sundae. It’s not the sundae.” quoting Josh Bongard of the University of Vermont.
- Gameful Self-Regulation: A Study on How Gamified Self-Tracking Features Evoke Gameful Experiences by Hassan et al. (2020). Researchers found goal-setting and prompt features boost positive gameful experiences like accomplishment and challenge, while self-tracking features hinder immersion and social interaction.
March Reading List
March 1, 2024