1. Going Critical by Kevin Simler at Melting Asphalt. Interactive guide to contagion. 
  2. Our World in Flow Change by David Galbraith for Exponential View. “At a fundamental, information theory level, the weirdos in a city are like noise in a channel. In a Darwinian, Natural Selection model, they are mutations.”
  3. Scientists Discovered the First Animal that Doesn’t Need Oxygen to Live. It’s Changing the Definition of What An Animal Can Be by Scottie Andrew at CNN. Researchers discovered a parasite – related to jellyfish and coral – that lives in salmon tissue and doesn’t require any oxygen to produce energy. Instead, it takes nutrients directly from the salmon. 
  4. An Intuitive Explanation of Quantum Mechanics by Eliezer Yudkowsky at LessWrong. The overview of Yudkowsky’s Quantum Physics Sequence.
  5. Your Climate, Changed by National Geographic. See how climate change affects your city. 
  6. What Is An Individual? Information Theory May Provide the Answer at Santa Fe Institute. “Individuals are best thought of in terms of dynamical processes and not as stationary objects.”
  7. Better name for “Heavy-tailedness of the world?” by Daniel Kokotajlo at LessWrong. What to call a state where the highest impact is made by a small group?
  8. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Key to Innovation at Farnham Street. Innovation doesn’t spring from nothing, but through a new connection of experiences.
  9. It’s Time to Build by Marc Andreessen at a16z. To move forward, we need to rearrange our priorities and then (vitally) act on them. 
  10. Six Scenarios for the Post-Pandemic World by David Galbraith at Exponential View. Galbraith explores how the pandemic will accelerate changes that started long ago, infrastructure to politics.