- Going Critical by Kevin Simler at Melting Asphalt. Interactive guide to contagion.
- Our World in Flow Change by David Galbraith for Exponential View. “At a fundamental, information theory level, the weirdos in a city are like noise in a channel. In a Darwinian, Natural Selection model, they are mutations.”
- Scientists Discovered the First Animal that Doesn’t Need Oxygen to Live. It’s Changing the Definition of What An Animal Can Be by Scottie Andrew at CNN. Researchers discovered a parasite – related to jellyfish and coral – that lives in salmon tissue and doesn’t require any oxygen to produce energy. Instead, it takes nutrients directly from the salmon.
- An Intuitive Explanation of Quantum Mechanics by Eliezer Yudkowsky at LessWrong. The overview of Yudkowsky’s Quantum Physics Sequence.
- Your Climate, Changed by National Geographic. See how climate change affects your city.
- What Is An Individual? Information Theory May Provide the Answer at Santa Fe Institute. “Individuals are best thought of in terms of dynamical processes and not as stationary objects.”
- Better name for “Heavy-tailedness of the world?” by Daniel Kokotajlo at LessWrong. What to call a state where the highest impact is made by a small group?
- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Key to Innovation at Farnham Street. Innovation doesn’t spring from nothing, but through a new connection of experiences.
- It’s Time to Build by Marc Andreessen at a16z. To move forward, we need to rearrange our priorities and then (vitally) act on them.
- Six Scenarios for the Post-Pandemic World by David Galbraith at Exponential View. Galbraith explores how the pandemic will accelerate changes that started long ago, infrastructure to politics.
April Reading List
April 25, 2020